Do you want to completely design your Event packages and set your own add-ons? You can easily create your own program with the packages and add-ons to best meet the needs of your clients.
Once you’ve set up your program, order Moneybags, envelopes to hand out prior to picture day, showing the products available for purchase with an envelope for collecting payment.
Moneybags measure 8½x13¾, with a detachable 3¼” envelope for payment. For the front of the envelope, choose either an elementary/middle school or high school layout, which cannot be changed, or design a custom front. Moneybags are only available for customers using the Full Color Event program.
When ordering Moneybags, you have two options; you can design your envelope, or send the information to Full Color for us to layout out the packages.
For a custom Moneybag envelope, you can design your own. Add images, use color to highlight packages, and more. You can custom design both the front and back of the Moneybag, or use the stock Moneybag front.
When designing your own Moneybag, use the guides to insure proper layouts. A layout for the envelope, and the information you’ll need to collect for payment, delivery, and graphic products is included.
Moneybags can be ordered directly through ROES Plus. You can leave the front and back sides blank, or customize the Moneybags. View ROES Plus Download page.
If you choose, we can design your Moneybag back for you. Simply send us a Microsoft Word or .txt file containing all the package, add-ons, and pricing, and any other information to be included. You can also submit a black and white .jpg of your logo if you wish to include it. Moneybags designed by Full Color will have a black and white back, and use the stock front Moneybag.
With design by Full Color, there is an initial set-up fee which includes the initial layout and up to 3 approvals; additional approvals will be charged the Modification/Approval fee (once for each additional approval). Once designed, your Moneybag will be kept on file for future reorders.
If Full Color has designed your Moneybag and you need to make minor changes, such as modifying pricing or updating contact information, or making small changes to package descriptions, the modification/approval fee will be charged.
Price | |
Stock or Blank Front / B&W Back | $0.25 |
Stock or Blank Front / Color Back | $0.35 |
Custom Color Front & Back | $0.50 |
Design Fee | $35.00 |
Modification / Approval Fee | $15.00 |